Welcome to the Schools Division of Roxas City Website!

We are glad that we have created a virtual home for our DepEd family and community members in the Division of Roxas City. As we continuously strive to improve the delivery of services at all levels in our Division, we need to keep our stakeholders rightfully informed of what’s going on so that we all remain actively engaged in achieving our institutional vision and mission. We have designed our website in such a way that our students, teachers, principals, supervisors, and other stakeholders can access information about our schools and offices; division issuances (memoranda, orders, & advisories); downloadable teaching and learning materials; interventions (programs, projects and activities); DepEd manuals, forms and templates; procurement and financial transactions; HR-related activities (recruitment, selection, and appointment); and a lot more. As we advance the cause of education in our Division, we remain committed to observe the government’s thrust of ensuring transparency in our operations and decisions through the establishment of this website. Please feel free to give your comments and suggestions as we continually make this site more relevant and responsive to the users. Thank you for being part of this journey!

Message from

Roel F. Bermejo, PhD, CESO V
Schools Division Superintendent